I regret to report that HB 2193, the bill that would expressly make it illegal to blow grass onto the highway, was tabled yesterday by a sub-committee of the House Courts of Justice Committee. As we riders are aware, grass on the road can be a hazard to motorists, especially motorcyclists, and particularly in curves Learn More
Motorcycling Related Laws – Update from the Virginia General Assembly
posted on Tuesday January 22nd, 2019
Thank you to those who personally lobbied and/or wrote emails to members of the House Transportation Subcommittee supporting HB 2446, VCOM’s bill that would have allowed motorcycles to drive on the right shoulder of limited access highways when (i) traffic on such highway is stopped or traveling at a speed of not more than 10 Learn More
Motorcycle Bill Prohibiting Grass Clippings in the Highway to be Heard in Sub-Committee Today
posted on Monday January 14th, 2019
The Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM) has just received word that HB 2193, the bill introduced by Delegate Roxann Robinson to amend section 18.2-324 of the Code of Virginia to clarify that it is illegal to blow grass onto the highway, will now be heard in sub-committee this afternoon. Grass on the road can be Learn More
Motorcycles Using the Shoulder of the Highway in Limited Situations
posted on Friday January 11th, 2019
Delegate Tony Wilt has introduced House Bill 2446 at the request of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM). If passed, HB 2446 would amend section 46.2-841 of the Code of Virginia to allow motorcycles to use the shoulder of limited access highways for the sole purpose of exiting the highway in certain situations. This is Learn More
Bill Prohibiting Grass Clippings in the Roadway is Introduced
posted on Wednesday January 9th, 2019
Delegate Roxann Robinson has introduced House Bill 2193 at the request of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM). If passed, HB 2193 would amend section 18.2-324 of the Code of Virginia to clarify that it is illegal to blow grass onto the roadway. Grass on the roadway can be a hazard to motorists, especially motorcyclists, Learn More
Motorcycle Auxiliary Light Bill Signed by The Governor
posted on Tuesday April 24th, 2018
HB 1464, the motorcycle auxiliary light bill that was introduced by Delegate Roxann Robinson at the request of the Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM) was signed by the Governor. The bill will become law as of July 1, 2018. As of July 1st, Virginia motorcyclists will be able to utilize aftermarket lighting to improve visibility Learn More
Update on Motorcycle Issues at the 2017 Virginia General Assembly
posted on Monday January 23rd, 2017
I will start by apologizing for any spelling or grammatical errors. I am writing this in the Lansing Michigan airport. I have spent the weekend with members of ABATE of Michigan and had the honor of speaking at their annual meeting. They are a great group of motorcyclist rights advocates. My 6:00 am flight out Learn More
Motorcycle Lobby Day 2017 TBA
posted on Wednesday December 7th, 2016
The Virginia Coalition of Motorcyclists (VCOM) will be making a change to the annual January legislative meeting. Lobby Day is usually held on Martin Luther King Day. For two decades Virginia motorcyclists have gathered on that day to go the state capital in order to urge their legislators to support motorcyclists in Virginia. However, this Learn More
National Motorcycle Conference Coming to Virginia Help Needed
posted on Monday October 24th, 2016
For the first time ever Virginia will host the Motorcycle Riders Foundation’s Meeting of the Minds. This annual conference will bring 300 to 500 grassroots motorcycling advocates from across the country to Williamsburg Virginia from September 21-24, 2017. This conference is the premier motorcyclists rights conference in the country. I am the conference coordinator and Learn More
The Amended Motorcycle Auxiliary Light Bill Now Moves to the Full Senate
posted on Friday March 4th, 2016
As often happens in the legislative world, a not so funny thing happened on the way to committee. HB 939, our auxiliary light bill to allow motorcyclists to utilize LED type accent lighting, ran into last minute trouble. Despite coming out of the House of Delegates on a 100-0 vote, the bill was fiercely opposed Learn More